
  • I. Special Project and Commission Research

  • II. Review of Securities and Futures Markets (RSFM)

  • III. Best S&F Paper Award

  • IV. Proposing recommendations with foresight and international perspectives

  • V. Monthly Developments in the International Securities and Futures Markets

I. Special Project and Commission Research
We propose research projects based on the current status of capital market development, timely provide professional recommendations on markets and systems in accordance with current events, as well as accept commissions from securities and futures-related institutions to conduct special research projects. Our role as a bridge between industry, government, the academia, as well as a think tank for government policies contributes substantially to the sound development of the overall financial market. 
II. Review of Securities and Futures Markets (RSFM)
The SFI published the first issue of Review of Securities and Futures Markets (RSFM) in January 1989. Since 1999, the journal has been continually listed in the Taiwan Social Sciences Citation Index (TSSCI), demonstrating its importance among the domestic securities and futures research field. 
We propose periodic and special research reports, and establish an information platform to provide comprehensive information services, and promote academic researches and Taiwan's capital market development.

III. Best S&F Paper Award
IV. Proposing recommendations with foresight and international perspectives
  1. We propose recommendations with foresight and international perspectives to facilitate the promotion and implementation of government policies, and act as a driving force to strengthen market reforms. 
  2. We host seminars and forums to discuss and make recommendations on market reform key issues in coordination with government policies and market development. These events serve as a think tank platform for competent authorities, the industry, and the academia. 
  3. We regularly update information regarding developments of laws, regulations and systems of major securities and futures markets around the world. 
V. Monthly Developments in the International Securities and Futures Markets