Established on May 29, 1984, the Securities & Futures Institute (SFI) operates in accordance with national economic growth policies to provide guidance for investment activities, promote academic and practical research in the domains of securities and futures, and facilitate the sound development of securities and futures markets.
To fulfill its mission and satisfy the industrial development of securities and futures in the capital market, the SFI sees itself as a platform of human resources training, a facilitator for the promotion of knowledge, a testing field of finances, and a hub for professional research.
As the organization grows to meet the industry’s trends, the SFI has developed an organizational culture that exhibits “services,” “foresight,” “innovation,” and “internationalization” as its core competencies.
As our competent authority on securities and futures markets, the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC), is currently engaging in the pursuit for enhancing financial resilience ,motivating financial innovation, financial inclusion, and progressing financial sustainability for the financial system of Taiwan, the SFI hereby proposed the corresponding operational strategies: “Enhancing Resilience” allows us to endure all kinds of challenges that rise up with changes in the environment. The SFI values employees’ ethics and professionalism, implements a culture of integrity that builds employee consensus and solidarity, motivates employees to strive for a common goal, and optimizes the service quality, to ensure the continuity of our business. “Motivating Innovation” is what drives us to progress and adapt to the changes in the environment, technology, and market. The SFI designs our market oriented training programs, professional certificates, and research projects with foresight, and always initiates new potential business opportunities.
To meet the different needs of corporations and individuals, the SFI devised the “Promoting Inclusion” strategy. It aims to satisfy the needs of securities & futures industry practitioners, investors, traders, and people from all levels for relevant knowledge and licenses in securities and futures, and to implement our duty and mission of achieving financial convenience and financial inclusion.
In response to global trends, we drew up the “Progressing Sustainability” strategy to assist the financial industry in fulfilling its corporate social responsibility and facilitating environmental sustainability, as well as the development of green finance, to create a win-win situation for perspectives of the economy, the environment, and the society. We are also dedicated to satisfy the needs of all stakeholders, such as the competent authority, industry business owners, participants of our training programs, the general public, social media, and most importantly, our employees, to the greatest extent to ensure the sustainable development of the SFI.