Organization Chart

The SFI is a non-profit organization established on May 29, 1984. It operates in conjunction with national economic growth policies to guide investment activities, promote academic and practical research in the domains of securities and futures, and facilitate the sound development of securities and futures markets. 

 The Board of Directors is the policy-making body of the SFI. It is comprised of eleven directors and one supervisor with a chairman who acts as the representative of the organization. The administrative body, headed by the President and Senior Executive Vice President, is divided into 6 sections: Research Department, Information Department, Department of Investor Education, Testing Center, Education Center and Administration Department. 
Organizational Structure Chart Description: 

-The Board of Directors 
-Eleven directors and one supervisor 
-Senior Executive Vice President 

-Divided into 6 sections: Research Department, Information Department, Department of Investor Education, Testing Center, Education Center and Administration Department.